“A Little Wordy is a lot beautiful. Michele’s love for what she does is contagious. Three cheers for more beauty in the world.”
Neil Pasricha
Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur
The Happiness Equation (2016)
The Book of Awesome series.
My Favourite Word Is …
My word is gather. “We are better in numbers, that’s all there is to it.” I have had the privilege of collaborating with so many people over the years; it really does take a village. I believe the word gather has especially resonated due to the pandemic and all the restrictions on social gatherings. I look forward to the time when we can safely return to GATHERING with our friends, families and colleagues. - S.J. Board Director
"Flow. I appreciate the importance of movement…I am grateful for it and value its significance in our lives. Especially, if we lose this ability." M.L. Health Services Professional
“My word is ‘resilient.’ Resilience implies strength and fortitude to soldier on, to perservere in the face of all odds. Resilience requires mental toughness, mind over matter and I believe we all have it in ourselves to conquer our most inner demons, no matter the challenges faced, whether alone or not." E.O. Director
"My word from the book is “grateful.” What 2020 made me realize is how much I have to be thankful for. To value all the small and big things that life has given me. Right from health, family, job and a new puppy- I only have abundance. I appreciate all the wonderful memories I have made , the walks I have taken, the coffee I have had with my friends - all these I took for granted earlier - now I am grateful for having them in my life. 2020 has given me a lot of time to think and to be grateful for every single thing I have in my life." V.H. CFO
"The word that I like is “rain.” Rain is a blessing from above, it surprises and soothes. Rain penetrates and washes, it cleans and refreshes, like rain in our gardens, it nurtures the soul and gives life. Rain flows through its course without regrets, rain returns when our body and soul thirst for comfort." C.C. Board Director
"My word is reframe. My mother taught me a Yiddish expression that she learned from her mother. Translated it goes like this…”I like to talk to smart people so I talk to myself.” When faced with a problem or difficult situation, I tell myself that there are always solutions to be found. I try to ignore the negative thoughts and look at things from different angles. I talk myself into being the person who sees the glass as more than half full. Usually I look for multiple glasses. I reframe everything and try to find the humour. S. L., Executive Director Toronto, ON
"My favourite word is spark. I have been told that my energy level is nothing short of electric. Through COVID, there have been days where I have felt my spark beginning to dwindle, but I remind myself that this is merely a moment in time. My spark makes me who I am. My family needs my spark. The world needs my spark." - S.L., Events Manager, Toronto, ON
"I am flip flopping between warrior and crap as my words. Depends on the day! Too bad 2020 has been heavy on the “crap!" G.W., Toronto, ON
"My word is resilience.” Just because you are struggling doesn't mean you are failing.” I am hard on myself and often want perfection, rather than appreciating progress. I have learned that struggle builds character, and that it's ok not to be perfect (nobody is). Resilience doesn't mean "bouncing back" perfectly; it means pushing through when you're less than bouncy; even when you're downright exhausted, and believing that tomorrow will be better." D.A. Toronto, ON
"My word is listen. It is a gift that can be both given and received. Listening when done well can provide: confidence and comfort, energy and enthusiasm, help and hope, laughter and love. All wonderful food for mind, body and soul." C.M., Government Relations professional, Toronto, ON
"Mastery because my daughter is studying psychology and taught me that “mastery” encompasses the PERMA model of well-being: positive emotions, engagement relationships, meaning accomplishments" - G.M., Politiican, Thornhill, ON
"I was reflecting after reading Michele’s words, I wanted my word to be compassion or joy or grateful (secret fantasy: grace – never happening) but the truth is I am a warrior, not a lover. I believe that how you define what you have been given on this journey we share ends up affecting all that you continue to be blessed with. I have fought bullies three times my size to stand up for someone who has a voice that is in that moment being throttled into silence, all my life. If those with an ounce of strength in their bones can’t stand up and fight for what is just and compassionate and hold power accountable for those that can’t, all is lost. So my word is warrior. Fight for the innocent. Fight against hate and marginilization and ignorance and bullies and evil. Because evil proliferates when good people do nothing." A.P., Toronto, ON
"My word is nugget. There is always some way to build up self-esteem and its always positive to find the nugget." - G.G. business professional, Toronto, ON
"I really loved this book. As a fellow wordsmith myself, I find that these words really speak to anyone and everyone that has experienced some sort of struggle in life. I thought back to my infertility a lot, which made me gravitate towards the word “love.” My family literally embodied the meaning. My sister listened diligently without any judgement and my father knew that my stepmom would know the right doctor to help me make my dreams come true! Basically, my family was the definition of love that I needed the entire time (the separation of love and help)." D.D. Toronto, ON
"Create and hope are my words, they fuel each other and me." A.S., Resource Manager, Toronto, ON
"The word flow resonates for me, as life is always moving. Knowing that life flows and that all we experience, feel and possess are temporary, can guide us to appreciate our blessings in the moment, and to find the strength we need to move through challenges. Ride the wave, connect to life’s natural flow and embrace the truth that we are imperfect beings living in an imperfect world." L.F., Chief Development Officer, Toronto, ON
“I like the word “thoughts,” not the least because it is appropriately situated between ‘words’ and ‘mindfulness.’ Words shape our thoughts and mindfulness cleanses them. Realizing that we are not our thoughts, and saying ‘oh brains’ goes a long way to achieving a measure of contentment.” E.D., Treasurer
"My favourite word is kindness, “The state of being kind; gentle and considerate.” Kindness is free. When you treat someone with kindness, whether it's as simple as smiling at a stranger, complimenting someone's dog or using humour.....the results are a rewarding and positive way to go through life.” R.S., Toronto, ON
“I love the word flow. Why? Because sometimes the best things happen when you go with the flow. When you're flexible -- to ideas, thoughts, events, food... you can make fabulous discoveries, and cut down on stress." M.S.N., Treasurer, Toronto, ON
"My favorite word is hope. Hope because it makes us think about what can be, makes the world go around, looks at tomorrow and creates a purpose for us." - V.M. Marketing Professional
"My word is resilience, a big word in my world. I am always impressed by people's capacity to recover, regroup and renew following challenges that look to be overwhelming and insurmountable. It is this ability that we are called upon to find and rely on especially in situations like we find ourselves in today." Dr. A.B., Psychiatrist, Toronto, ON
"My Favourite Word from the book is “inspire.” It is something we can give and receive. It can involve breathing new energy into individuals and groups. It can lift up, reduce fear and promote self-confidence. Inspiration can benefit us all from time to time." - D.M., Board Director
"Thoughts are where we dwell, feel and move into action. Our thoughts can be controlling, or empowering, filled with loving kindness, or heavy spite. The thoughts that you think have the ability to change who you are and how you see the world." - K.B., reader
"For me, "resilience" really spoke to me. I think it's that idea that things are not always going to be happy, easy, or permanent is any way but it's with resilience that we get through the dark time and truly cope with mental health difficulties." D.M.T. reader
"When we are courageous, we build resilience." (page 28)
A few of my favourite words to live by and teach. Michele brings so much warmth and heart to this book, and to be able to share these thoughts and ideas with others is truly remarkable. At Girls Inc., we inspire all girls to be Strong, Smart and Bold, and Michele brings that spirit to her book. I would recommend this book to every youth that comes through our Smart Start Program at Girls Inc. Hanna Kitchingman, Senior Smart Start Coordinator with Girls Inc., Oct. ‘20
Thank you for this book! I loved it. My 13 year old and I sat and read it together. We both felt joy and peace. Gracias!
M.G., Los Angeles
" Words matter ", a phrase I use daily, and was overjoyed to read. This book is insightful, simple, concise, powerful, funny and sweet.
I appreciate the definitions provided at the top of each page, useful and fun. This book reflects my outlook and purpose in life: to teach positivity. Even though I am not a parent, this book is still relatable. I would recommend it to all. Thank you very much for making this book available to Girls Inc. !
Jenna H.N., Girls Inc. Smart Start graduate, Oct. ‘20